Wednesday 17 June 2020


Hey Man...Your days are finite
Your days are  full of miseries, joy, sorrows, hope and so on...
It's like  a ship in the sea ,
 sometimes, it can't be controlled by captain's hands.
 And sometimes it gets controlled by the waves itself.

 Do you have wine bottle?
And no one pours new wine into old wineskins.
 For it would burst out of the pressure, 
spilling the wine and ruining the skins.
 New wine is stored in new wineskins 
so that both are preserved.

Do you have a tear bottle? 
Is it precious for you?
No man wishes to collect tears in his Muddy Body itself.
For it dissolves speedily when it is wet.

Can you collect those tears in a bottle?
Man can  only weep 
Your tears might damp your attire 
Those drops may soften  the hearts of the people who can't find a curative.
But, it just takes the wink of an eye's time for Him to change your unending tears to ceaseless joys.

Yes!!! He can collect all your tears in His bottle.
He will lift you from the abyss of despair to show you the rays of happiness 
Leave your clay to that Potter's hand, 
He can  work with His hands.
He will mould you  and 
He can transform a slum into a palace with your clay.

Can you drop tears for God? 
can you drop  tears in your  secret room?
If yes!!!
Let's pray to fill that Bottle in His hands!

*Please mention ur name if u have comment.